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7 Days Free Trial

Enjoy a Free Trial with MyBodyFIIT!

At MyBodyFIIT, all monthly and yearly subscription plans come with a free trial! It’s the perfect way to explore our programs and community before making a commitment.

The 7-day free trial is only available for a first subscription. During the free trial, you’ll have full access to all the programs and content available in the Mybodyfiit app, just like with a regular subscription!

To get started, visit or download the MyBodyFIIT App from the App Store or Google Play. When signing up, simply choose either the monthly or yearly subscription plan to activate your free trial.

At the end of your trial, your subscription will automatically renew based on the selected plan unless canceled before the trial period ends. If you prefer to switch to a different subscription plan after the trial, you can easily do so by following the instructions in our support article How to Change Your Subscription Type.

If you do wish to cancel your subscription during the trial this should be completed at least 24 hours before the end date of the trial as mentioned in our Terms & Conditions, if you cancel before this you won’t be charged.

For more information on canceling your subscription, visit our Support section here.
